Ravensdale Bible Academy

Mission Statement

Shepherding hearts and shaping minds through Biblical education & instructional material for the Glory of God in four ways: to lead students to a lifelong commitment to Christ, Biblical fidelity, Holiness, intellectual growth, practical life experience. Commitment to Christ, as evidenced by: Acceptance and acknowledgment of Christ as Lord and Savior Pursuit of Christlikeness in […]

Summary of Christian Academic Philosophy

Tony M. Jaime Biblical Integration Psalm 1 is my key verse because it addresses two fundamental issues: The problem and the answer. The problem in education is that ungodly, sinful mockers are training children to turn away from God by removing Him from the education process. Indeed, in some cases God is not just removed, […]

Egyptian Education

Remember when the Israelites escaped the bondage of the Egyptians, or the Babylonians, or the Persians? Do you know what the first thing they did was? They left those countries, settled in the Promised Land of Israel, and bused their kids back to those secular schools. I mean, you just can’t beat Egyptian Education or […]

Statement of Faith

We Believe… We believe that the Bible, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God, that it is completely and fully inerrant in its original writings, that it is totally accurate in all that it teaches, and that it is the final authority for all questions of faith […]

Successful Academic Models

At Ravensdale Bible Academy we value proven successful academic models that are innovative and unique. One of the biggest problems with the public school system is that it really hasn’t evolved and it is still using the old German bell system which was designed to train citizens to be blue-collar 9 to 5 workers. Over […]

Psalm 1 Academic Model

Psalm 1 clearly warns us not to walk in the counsel of the wicked, stand in the path of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers but to meditate in the Law of the Lord day and night. Slowly review Psalm 1 and consider this passage in light of our public school system. How […]


BE BIBLICAL CHAMPION HOMESCHOOLERS SUPPLEMENT HOMESCHOOL CO-OPS UNDERWRITE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS WE BELIEVE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IS BIBLICALLY BASED We provide a Biblically-based curriculum.  Education is not Christian if it’s not Biblical.  We place a premium value on Biblically driven curriculum rather than state-regulated curriculum.  We design courses to train students to think and study Biblically.  State […]