Ravensdale Bible Academy

“Rocky The Ram” Mascot

Ram Tough

What’s in the name, Ravensdale Bible Academy Rams? At Ravensdale Bible Academy we strive to train our young men to be like Rams who are the leaders of the flock. The Ram Christian symbol represents Servant-Leadership as the ram protected the herd and also symbolizes sacrifice as the ram was one of the first animals to be sacrificed on alters. Their Latin name Aries comes from aris meaning “alter”, it is a symbol for Christ in the Old Testament as represented by the Ram caught in the ticket in Genesis 22:13.

The feisty ram has been a prominent symbol of strength, power, determination and activity throughout history and across cultures. This hard- headed animal is unafraid to take initiative and be a servant-leader. The ram inspires humans to act the same way being willing to sacrifice for others and upholding strong character qualities. The spirit of the Ram is to Serve & Protect, this is our definition of Ram Tough. We don’t define manhood or masculinity by the world’s definition or being macho or cocky. Our definition comes from Jesus.

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Rocky the Ram

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was the living example of a Servant-Leader who did nothing from selfishness or empty conceit but with humility of mind regarded others as more important than himself. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, emptied Himself taking the form of a bond-servant, and He humbled Himself by becoming obedient even to the point of death on the cross (paraphrased Philippians 2:2-8). Matthew 16:24 went on to exhort Christians to act like Christ by, “Deny yourself, take up your daily cross, and follow-me.

The Ravensdale Bible Academy Rams are dedicated to training young men be Servant Leaders in the manner of Christ Jesus in three distinct areas: Men of Faith, Critical Thinkers, & Hard Workers. Men of Faith are devoted to the studying and obeying the Word of God. They are the spiritual leaders of their home and devoted to a life of godliness. Critical Thinkers skillfully analyze and evaluate to see if things are so. They meditate on the law of the Lord day and night and they are able to have a discerning spirit of the world’s ideologies and philosophies. Hard Workers are industrious, diligent and gritty. They are not lazy and they don’t quit.

In conclusion we want to produce young men who love the Lord, use their minds well, and are prepared with skills to work in order to provide for their families. The Ram Way leads the herd but is also willing to sacrifice himself for others as is the example of Christ.